About Us

MAKHA Hydraulics Company was founded in 2009 as an Pneumatic, Hydraulic controls and equipment service.Through organic growth and expansion,the Company has become the premier supplier of pneumatic and hydraulic controls,equipment, and systems.

Our vision is to keep our commitment of providing quality products paired with exceptional "service beyond expectations" At MAKHA Hydraulics Company, we are continuously expanding our capabilities through our vast and high quality product lines, knowledgeable personnel, innovative technology, and unprecedented service. We are proud of our 1000+ repeat clients who continue to utilize MAKHA because they know we go the extra mile.
Quality Assurance
Every product is manufactured at the highest quality with complete in-house manufacturing and an extensive quality control process.Our time proven quality control process is followed from initial manufacturing to final certification of conformity by our experienced manufacturing and engineering team.Thorough operational inspections and calibration of all gauges to NIST standards ensure all performance parameters are met so you will be accurately up and running following installation at your facility for a seamless start-up.
We may not be able to predict the future, but we can guarantee that we will be the best prepared to help you handle any situation that happens to arise.
We stand ready to try harder and work faster than anyone else in the Industry, and provide you with the confirmation that your pneumatic and hydraulic supplier is ready to offer solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days out of the year.